CDA Buying Advice – What is an undermount sink?
Designed to be installed below the level of your worktop, undermount sinks allow an uninterrupted flow throughout the kitchen work surface. The range includes modern, square designs with reversible fitting options to suit the way you work.
So what is an undermount/overmount sink?
The ultimate in flexibility, the range of undermount/overmount sinks give you complete freedom to choose whether you prefer installation to be on top or below the worktop surface. Made from a virtually indestructible granite-quartz construction, the range is tough, stylish, heat proof and hygienic.
Our range of undermount sinks are available in composite, stainless steel or ceramic so you have a full range of single, one and a half or double bowl undermounts to choose from. The main consideration before you go for an undermount is the installation. The do need to be installed below the level of the worktops.
If you are splashing out on beautiful worktops then an undermount will really let you make the most of them and show as much of them off as possible. The downside is that you will have to manage without a built in draining board. These sinks are better suited to marble, granite, soapstone, or concrete as a laminate work surface could have too many weak spots along the surface to support the sink’s weight.
You can wipe crumbs straight into the sink with an undermount, imagine how simple that could make clearing down the kitchen in the evening?
Installation is key with this style so make sure you hire a professional to ensure that the weight is distributed evenly and that there will be no leaks in your sink.