CDA To The Rescue

CDA appliances chosen by Sky1’s Noel’s HQ for surprise refurbishment of charity NWAA’s crew room.
The North West Air Ambulance (NWAA) is a unique regional medical air emergency service covering Lancashire, Greater Manchester, Cheshire, Merseyside and Cumbria.
Established in 1999, the NWAA is a registered charity receiving no mainstream funding, yet it offers a vital service seven days a week, 365 days a year across 5,500 square miles, serving a residential population of seven million people.
Costing just over £1.3 million a year to maintain, the NWAA covers all major motorway incidents and areas that have poor and restricted road access. On average, the NWAA is called out four times a day, rising up to ten in the summer. While the incidents vary greatly, there are two over-riding factors for the NWAA’s presence – either because time is extremely crucial or where road access is limited.
“We were delighted to be able to help,” commented Marketing Manager Sally Stothard. “This is such a worthwhile charity and it was terrible to hear that the crew had nowhere to wash clothes or heat food. We were thrilled to be able to help. Our appliances are ultra reliable and backed by a five year guarantee with the best service back up in the business, so we know the equipment we have donated will provide trouble free facilities for the air ambulance crew.”
Over 1.7 million viewers saw the programme. Above, crew member Justin Mawtus meets the family of Molly who owes her life to the speed and expertise of the North West Air Ambulance. One of the crew’s problems was that they had nowhere to wash their orange overalls after attending accidents – swiftly solved by CDA’s donation of a
new washing machine.